Simple thoughts for simple times.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

After reading Assassins' Gate I think I've finally come up with a position on the Iraq War that I can live with.

The American People were certainly lied to in starting the war, and it seems to have been run by men and women with singular agendas that had little to do with combating the threat of terrorism. Incentives right or wrong be damned, we went in there and we tore that sovereign nation apart. Every American, right or left, should right now be quite concerned about putting that nation back together.

It would be great if the media -- instead of running one more expose on the documents someone found, or another article offering conclusive proof that some cabinet member lied -- could start focusing a little more on what it's going to take to get us out of Iraq. People might be able to donate clothes, money, or materials to initiatives that get Iraq back on its feet. There may be a complicated socio-political minefield left behind, but at least it won't be said that the US came in and created a big mess, and then was to proud to clean it up.

This is a platform that could galvanize the left as well, and these could be the things that the left begins to say that John Kerry never said. There's got to be a better platform than playing "The President Is An Idiot;" while it might be true it's a position that's divisive and gets little accomplished.

History will take care of this country's leadership, and I doubt they will be judged favorably. The time has come to forget this muddy and shameful past and focus on the present and the future.

1 comment:

Dave said...

My comments along these very lines were published in a Vanity Fair letter to the editor. Go Greydon!